9-11 and My Daughter

I'm sure much will be said and written today about the 10-year anniversary of 9-11, by people who are much smarter than I.

From a personal note, one thing I remember about September 11, 2001 was that it all happened just 5 days before our first child was supposed to be born (although she finally came nine days after her due date).

I remember thinking, "What an interesting world our child will grow up in."

But God does not rest; He is at work.
  • He creates life, and sustains it.
  • He redeems the brokenness in the world.
  • He draws us to Himself, even as we resist Him.

I asked my kids last night, "What can we remember whenever something bad happens in our lives?" Here's what we came up with:
  • God loves us.
  • God is with us. The #1 command in the Bible is "Do not fear," and it's usually coupled with, "For I am with you."
  • God is in control.
  • Jesus gives us life.
  • Be thankful for the good things we do have.
  • Believers in Jesus go to heaven (including any who died on 9/11/01).
  • God will make things right, and turn evil into good.

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    1. Very simple, yet true and profound.

      As my family has faced various tragic events just this week, month, year, and these past 10 years, my hope always comes back to this: "God is in control, and His ways are good." Then I just pray for mercy, salvation and peace in the lives of the people I'm around.

      God bless you in Christ our King.

    2. Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I am sorry to hear about the tragic events in your family, but I am encouraged by your faith through it all.

      Keep drawing near to God, and He will draw near to you.
